Applying For Grants
The purpose of the fund is to supplement support that the Groups and Units are prepared to use to support youth members participation in events that are promoted by the Group or Unit Teams.
As shown on the flow chart below the first action is with the parent or guardian to complete an application form to the Group Lead Volunteer (GLV) or Explorer Team Leader (ETL) who will collate information to support the funding from the District.
Following the submission, if the District Lead Volunteer (DLV) feels that the application is justified the GLV / ETL and DLV will have a discussion to agree the percentage split of the funding as well as discuss any other grants that may be available and the duration of support.
The DLV will monitor payment amounts to be paid and arrange quarterly any payments to the Group or Unit.
Since the discussions are between the DLV and GLV / ETL there is no requirement for others to be informed. The District Trustee Board and the Treasurer would be kept informed of the amounts being paid, and the Treasurer would know which Group or Unit was being paid.
Further Support
On conclusion of the time agreed for the support the whole process shall be revisited to check eligibility.